15 Question Footballer Emoji Quiz!
However your favourite team performs, there's an emoji for every result. Turn out there's an emoji for every player too!
How well do you know footballers? How well do you know emoji's? If you're an expert at both then you'll be great at this Emoji Footballer Quiz. It helps if you're familiar with the flag of Jordan too. There's a lot of footballers called Jordan! Fancy more emoji quizzes? Use your emoji skills to guess the capital cities, or the song title!

Which England squad defender could this be?

Hmmm. A Christian cross. Who could this be?

Any ideas? Hint - he used to be mega famous!

This bright footballer is a commentator now. It's Frank...

Ok this one is bit harder! Try and think what the apple might mean... the first chapter of the Bible might be a clue!

Who is this England player called Harry?

Who's this tasty striker?

This player sounds like he should play for Nottingham Forest (but he doesn't)

This goalkeeper has played for England!

This guys surname is the opposite to how he plays the game!

Who's this guy?

Who's the windy striker who never blows his chances?

When it's cold, this player is the perfect choice to play in goal!

Who's this England defender?

Who is this Captain?

Oh no! That's NOT a good score. Better luck in the replay!

Well played! You must be feeling smiley face smiley face proud face.

Win! You're the G.O.A.T

Excellent score! You really nailed it. This Yorkshire pudding emoji is very impressed...wait a second... That's not an emoji!