Epic Halloween Sports Quiz!
There's a haunted place in the world of trivia where Halloween and UK and US sports facts collide! Test your spooky sporting knowledge now!
The world of sport is the last place you'd expect there to be some spooky Halloween trivia, but there is and it lurks in the shadows! That's not to say there's a list of sporting legends who are actual ghosts – that would be too scary. But there's a number of teams and stand-out players who have connections to this monstrous time of year!
Do you think you could get a perfect score? Why not take this quiz and test your knowledge now!

Which England player wore the 13 shirt at the Euros in 2021?

What is Queen's Park FC's spooky nickname?
3/10 The Chicago Cubs endured a curse for 71 years. What animal is said to be responsible?

What is Melbourne Football Club's nickname?

Kansas City Chiefs badge | Wikipedia
Which of the following linebackers played for Kansas City Chiefs?

Which Manchester United legend was born on Halloween?

In Brazil, there's an American football team with a Halloween-themed name. What are they called?

Former New York Giants player Eddie Lee Williams' name isn't particularly frightening. But what was his Halloween-friendly nickname?

José Bautista is a renowned baseball player who was born in the Dominican Republic. What did the fans call him?

@sunderlandafcofficial | Instagram
Sunderland have a terrifying Halloween-themed nickname. Do you know what it is?

Oh no! The idea of Halloween and sports is too scary for you. Better luck next time!

Good try! You did well and some of those questions were particularly spooky!

Great work! You certainly know a thing or two about haunted sports trivia!

Wow! You're an expert in all types of spooky sports facts!