Bounce, Bounce. Should I Play Basketball Quiz?
Should you play basketball? Find out with the amazing quiz!

Let's start slowly - what is a basketball?

How many people would be your perfect amount of teammates?

Finish this sentence. "I enjoy the Harlem -

How good are you at throwing rubbish in the bin from across the room?

Favourite thing to dunk?

How much exercise have you done today?

How tall are you?

Are you a team player?

What are your feelings about baggy shorts?

Pick a colour combination

What's dribbling?

Who's your sporting hero?

Do you actually WANT to play basketball?

Yes, you should definitely play some basketball! The court is calling you!

Look, I don't know - maybe you should? What could go wrong? Might be fun!

Yes but switch to something else if you get bored
Basketball could be fun, but if you prefer kicking a ball to throwing it, what about football?

No-do not play basketball under any circumstances. Football yes, tennis maybe but NO BASKETBALL!