What's Your Match Attax Trading Style?
So we know you're a fan of this fantastic footy card game... but what kind? Answer these questions and well tell you exactly what your Match Attax trading style is like!
There are a lot of different ways you can play Match Attax! In fact, almost as many ways as there are cards! But what's your favourite? Do you like to collect as many as your possibly can? Are you only interested in the super rare ones? Or would you rather just get on with the game?
Answer these 10 questions and we'll tell you! So what are you waiting for? Let's get quizzing!

When you're not playing Match Attax, what are you most likely doing?

Pick a different card game:

Would you swap your favourite card for 3 other good ones?

Attack or defend?

Pick a defender:

What would you rather have?

Pick a stat:

Pick a tactic card:

What player would you rather have?

What's the best thing about playing Match Attax?

You're the hoarder!
You love collecting Match Attax cards, and you never want to risk losing them or damaging them! Of course you do like playing the game, but your favourite is just collecting as many as you can! If you do any swaps it's only with cards you have 2 of... because you can't bear to lose a single player! If you don't think this sounds like you, have another go and see what you get next time!

You're the gamer!
You're not too interested in trading, you've got plenty of cards and you just want to get stuck in to as many games as possible! You take care of your cards, but also you know that the only reason to have them is to play the game! So you enjoy your matches and don't worry too much about trading! If you don't think this sounds like you, have another go and see what you get next time!

You're the trader!
You sometimes get bored easily, so you're always looking for new and exciting players you've never played with before. You love swapping your cards with other people, and don't mind saying goodbye to good cards if it means you get to try new ones out! If you don't think this sounds like you, have another go and see what you get next time!

You're the collector!
You know everything there is to know about football and Match Attax cards! You're full of knowledge and use it to collect only the rarest and strangest cards from around the world! The only thing sometimes you don't really want to play the game... in case you damage your priceless collection! If you don't think this sounds like you, have another go and see what you get next time!