The Ultimate Megz Mcloughlin Quiz
Think you know this famous Tik Toker? Take this test to find out!

@megzhanaofficial | instagram
Is Megz on the left or the right in this photo?

@megzhanaofficial | instagram
What is Megz short for?

@millzjo | instagram
What's Megz' sister called?

Where are Megz and Milli-Jo from?
5/12 Yep! They're from Liverpool. But where's that?

When did the Mcloughlin girls get famous?

@megzhanaofficial | instagram
Which member of the McLoughlin family sometimes appears in Megz and Mili's videos?

@itsiconhouse | instagram
Which of these is Megz a member of?

Where does the name McLoughlin come from?

McLoughlin Girls
Megz and Mili do food challenges on Youtube. True or false?

Megz' birthday is 13th May. What star sign does this make her?

@halsey | giphy
What game did Megz play with her mum in one of her videos?

@megzhanaofficial | Instagram
EEEK! Megz isn't too pleased with score! Try another quiz?

@megzhanaofficial | Instagram
Pretty decent! You can probably do a bit better though - try another quiz?

@megzhanaofficial | Instagram
Good work! You know loads abour Megz! Can you beat this score on another quiz?

@megzhanaofficial | instagram
Yaaaas! Amazing score! You know loads about Megz! Well done! Ok, now - try another of our famous Tik Toker quizzes?