Which Charli D'Amelio TikTok Challenge Are You?
We all know Charli D'Amelio is an awesome TikTok dancer. But which Charli D'Amelio TikTok challenge are you?
Let's go!

7.30AM. Your alarm goes off. What happens?

It's breakfast. What are you having?

@charlidamelio | Instagram
Getting ready for school. What's your routine?

@charlidamelio | Instagram
Kiss your imaginary pet goodbye. What kind of animal is it?

@charlidamelio | Instagram
Going to school. What kind of transport?

@charlidamelio | Instagram
Favourite school subject?

Lunch time? What's your packed lunch box highlight?

Schools over! What do you do on the way home?

What's for tea?

At the end of the day I relax and...

@charlidamelio | Instagram
You're Charli D'Amelio doing the TikTok finger thingy!
You don't mind a challenge (as long as it doesn't involve moving too much!)

@charlidamelio | Instagram
You're Charli D'Amelio doing the Shut Up Heather dance!
Oh dear. Did you get out of bed the wrong side today? Try letting loose with some epic dance moves. Or if you're not in the mood, just watch Charli doing them herself?

@charlidamelio | Instagram
You're Charli D'Amelio doing the Git Up dance!
There's nothing wrong with wanting to be the centre of attention. That's the point of TikTok, right? Like Charli, you don't take your fame too seriously, but you both should be proud of who you are!

@charlidamelio | Instagram
You're Charli D'Amelio doing the Spooky, Scary Skeletons dance challenge!
You're one of a kind. If somethings trending then it's too late for you. Like CHarli you're more of a leader than a follower, eh?