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CaseOh Trivia Quiz

Think you know this hairy gamer? Test your knowledge of the man they call CaseOh with this epic Youtuber quiz!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated March 9th 2025

He's a laidback, chilled out kind of gamer... but how much do you really know about this hilarious streamer and Youtuber? Lock in to this tricky ten question trivia quiz and we'll find out how your skills stack up!

Ready? Let's go!


What kind of facial hair does CaseOh have? Click to reveal!

2/10 The earth

His video intro shows... what?


Pick the fake CaseOh video title:


He only plays Minecraft. True or false?


What kind of games does CaseOh usually play?


Usually his videos are... what?


Where is he from?


Which of these is a real CaseOh product you can buy?


He can sometimes look a bit... what?


Which of these games does he never really play?

Noooo! Unlucky! You didn't manage to get a very good score here... never mind. Have another go and see if you can score higher? Or try a different gaming quiz and see if you get on better withthat! Beter luck next time!

Pretty good! You're clearly a fan of CaseOh! This is a good score, but you did miss out on a few right answers. Do you knwo which ones? Let's try this quiz again and see if you can score an even higher result! Good luck!

Great work! This is a really good score! Well done! You almost got 10/10 - amazing! There was just one or two things you missed - but never mind! Do you think you can beat this score on a different gaming quiz? Let's find out!

Full marks! Amazing! This is the perfect score - you got every single question right! Well done! You can't beat this 10/10 score, but you might be able to match it on a different gaming quiz. Up for the challenge? We have loads more quizzes where this one came from!