MrBeast Quiz: Spot The Fake Game
Are you the Mr Beast Gamesmaster? Can you spot the odd ones out?!
With so many varied and different games in Mr Beast’s long history of challenges, it can be difficult to pick out the real ones from the fake ones! But if you think you’ve got a high-end knowledge of the games he’s run, then maybe, just maybe, you’ve got what it takes to score full marks on this quiz! Let’s give it a go!

Guess the fake challenge!

Which of these is made-up?

Pick out the imaginary Mr Beast challenge!

Which of these isn’t a real challenge?

Three are real, which is fake?

Guess the fake game!

Which of these isn’t real?

Which challenge is the fake one?

Find the odd one out!

Which of these isn’t a Mr Beast Game?

Oh no! It looks like you’ve fallen for the fakes! What a disaster! Almost all of the real ones slipped by you! Okay, so this hasn’t gone very well for you in terms of quizzing, but hopefully you’ve learnt some lessons on what things are too wild, even for Mr Beast! But with this new found knowledge, why not give the quiz another try and see if you can score higher!

Boom! You’ve done pretty well here! There are a fair amount of questions that you’ve missed out on, but you got a few right, and that’s a start, right? You’ve definitely seen a lot of Mr Beast’s games so you didn’t fall for all of the fakes, but there were still a few that slipped by - so if you think you can do better, why not give the quiz another whirl? We can’t promise Mr Beast size prizes, but bragging rights sound pretty good right?

Awesome! You’ve smashed this! You’ve gotten nearly every single one of the questions right! You should be really proud! You can tell a fake from the real deal, and that’s a super valuable skill! Maybe you should become a jeweller? But before that, you’ve got to show off your quiz skills, and that means trying this quiz again and seeing if you can get 100% on it! Of course, there are millions of other things you could be doing, but getting full marks feels pretty sweet right?

Nailed it! Blam! Full marks! They said it couldn’t be done, but here you are, stood on the glorious heights of the tallest mountain of knowledge, looking down at all those puny quiz players who didn’t score quite as high as you! Great work, unfortunately we don’t have a tropical island to offer you as a prize, so the knowledge that you’ve got 100% right on this quiz will have to do!