Are You More Caylus Or MrBeast?
Are you a little bit like Caylus? Or more like Mr Beast? Take this epic Youtube quiz to find out once and for all!
Everyone knows Mr Beast - and most people know Caylus (sorry Caylus)! But which one of these giants of Youtube is most like you? Take this quiz and we'll find out which if them is secretly the best fit for your personality. And remember - it could be neither!

What game would you rather play?

What's more important?

What was your last video about?

How are you feeling right now?

Pick an animal:

Here's a big pile of money. What are you going to do with it?

Now choose a Youtuber that's not Mr Beast OR Caylus:

Choose a mythical beast:

Pick one:

Pick a video title:

You're totally Caylus!
There's not a bit of Mr Beast in you! You are 100% Caylus! You love gaming and are happy to dedictae yourself to that, no need for giant TV shows or ridiculiur pranks. Have we got this one wrong? Take this quiz again if you think you might actually be Mr Beast!

You're a bit of Caylus... and a bit of Mr Beast!
You're like if Caylus and Mr Beast had a baby together! You love gaming and high-profile stunts, and have a great sense of humour and a huge audience! Not sure you agree with this one? No problem, just take this quiz again and see what you get next time!

You're totally Mr Beast!
The results are in, and you are nothing like Caylus! Just like Mr Beast you're all about the huge statements and big media events. You have a gigantic audience and whilst you do love gaming - you have moved on to bigger abd better things! Not sure we've got this right? Take this quiz again and see what you get next time!

You're neither Caylus or Mr Beast!
You're nothing like either of these people - but are in fact a secret third thing! This is a good result, because the world already has a Caylus and a Mr Beast. What it needs is one of you! If you're not sure we've got this right, just try this quiz again and see what you get next time!