The Royalty Family: Which Member Are You?
The Royalty Family are some of YouTube’s biggest names, but which member of the family are you?
They spend their time living in LA and their videos show us a little glimpse of their life! But which of the family do you think you’ve got the most in common with? Are you more of an Andrea? Or deep down are you closest to Gucci? There is literally only one place to find out, and that’s right here! So let’s get into it!

What is your favourite colour?

What would you prefer to have for breakfast?

You’re locked out of your YouTube account, what do you do?

It’s too hot to leave the house, what do you do instead?

How do you like to travel?

What do you think of first when you wake up?

How do you like to start your day?

What vegetable suits your mood today?

What would your dream super power be?

What is your favourite sport?

Nice! According to your results, you’ve got the most in common with Andrea! It's important for the head of the family to hold everyone together, and Andrea is just that kind of person! They know the value of family, and they’ll do anything to look after them, just like you! It doesn’t matter what kind of scrape you or your family get into, you’ll always be there to look out for them! Pretty legendary to be honest!

Nice! You’ve got the most in common with Ali! This is probably because like Ali you always have your head screwed tightly on! It doesn’t matter what happens, or what comes up, just like Ali, you’ve always got an answer! It’s pretty difficult to surprise you and because of that you’re almost always one step ahead. This is a pretty decent result if you ask us, but if you think it’s wrong, why not have another go and see if you can get a different result!

Epic! You’ve got most in common with Ferran, that’s probably got something to do with how laid back you are to be honest! But Ferran is more than just a chiller, they also know how to have fun when the time is right and just like you, when fun is on the cards, it’s all to play for! But heck, if you don’t think Ferran is the right fit, why not give the quiz another whirl and see if you can get a different result, but we’re not making any guarantees!

Nice! Now this is probably the best result you could ask for! According to the answers you’ve given, you’ve actually got the most in common with Gucci the dog! Of course, Gucci is more than a dog, they’re a part of the family, admittedly, a hairy part of the family that finds it kinda hard to climb the stairs! You’ve probably gotten this result because like Gucci, you quietly know that you’re the boss, and that if you look cute enough, people will pat you on the head and give you snacks… What a life?!