Which Loserfruit Video Should You Watch?
Find out which Loserfruit video you should watch with this specially crafted personality quiz! Answer some questions and we'll tell you!
We know you love gamer and YouTuber Loserfruit, but her problem is there are just SO many good videos! Luckily for you, we've compiled this super scientific quiz that will tell you which of her videos you should watch! And if you liked this, the good new is there are loads more Youtuber videos here! What about this Beast Games quiz? Or maybe you're up for this Trevor Rainbolt quiz? And we know you'll love this Guess the YouTuber quiz!

Which of these games do you like best?

Choose a popular Youtuber Gamer

Choose another member of Click

Pick another type of YouTube video

Choose another Aussie YouTuber

Pick a cartoon character

Choose a type of computer game

Choose a breakfast

Choose a classic computer game

Finally, what do you like best about Loserfruit's videos?

We Broke Fortnite
You should watch We Broke Fortnite! Our quizzing machine has calculated that you love Fortnite and chaos, so this is perfect!

Confronting My Stream Sniper
You should watch Confronting My Stream Sniper! You love gaming and you love drama, and this is the perfect combination!

Among Us Without Colour
You should watch Among Us Without Colour! You love Among Us, and this game has a twist that makes the video a 10/10!

Buying Cringe Fortnite Merch For My Friends
You should watch Buying Cringe Fortnite Merch For My Friends! You love when Loserfruit hangs with her mates, and what better content than some good old cringe?