ZHC Trivia Quiz
ZHC is one of the world’s top YouTubers, but how well do you know him?
With an epic team and a very competitive girlfriend ZHC is one of the most hardworking fun YouTubers out there! Not only that but of all the YouTubers ZHC seems to be a pretty chill guy. So if you think that you’re an expert, then this is the quiz for you! Can you get every single question right? There’s only one place to find out, so let's get into it!

Where is ZHC from?

Where does ZHC usually post their videos?

What colour is ZHC’s hair?

And what about his girlfriend's hair colour?

Which type of video is ZHC most famous for?

What collab video did he do with MrBeast?

What is his girlfriend’s name?

Which book inspired him to become an artist?

What year was he born?

Which famous DJ has he done a collab with?

Oh dear! It looks like you've missed the boat on this quiz! ZHC is famous for the challenges he puts himself and his friends up to, but it looks like you’ve not done so well on this one! That big cash prize he’s always offering might have slipped through your grip, but don’t worry, you can always have another go! You were just getting warmed up, right?

Nice! Not too bad! You clearly know your way around ZHC’s YouTube channel and how to pick out your favourite video! You’ve scored pretty well here and you should be pleased with yourself, but you've dropped a few points here and there. Maybe it's worth revisiting some of ZHC’s older videos? Maybe they’ll hold the secrets of success?!

Boom! What a result! There’s not much you don’t know about ZHC and the amazing videos on his channel! From the GF vs BF challenge to his Lego making videos, you’ve got your memory turned up to max when it comes to ZHC! What a result! But heck! If you think that you can score higher, why not give this quiz one last shot? You never know, you might get 100%!

Woah! How about that! You’ve scored full marks on this quiz! What an epic result! They said it couldn’t be done, they said that nobody could hope to know everything about ZHC, but along came you! The expert, the don, the legend of knowledge! Phew, what a rush! So what’s next? There are lots of other quizzes on the site, so you could always try your hand at those?