5 Outrageous Facts About Dogs
We definitely, definitely didn't make these up (YES WE DID)
French bulldogs have a flair for art
Give these crumple-faced rascals some paint and they'll amaze you with their delicate brush strokes.

Dachshunds love Ed Sheeran
In a poll, a staggering 98% of this sausage-like breed said that they own a copy of his new album!

A dog called Jeff invented the internet
This schnauzer accidentally created the world wide web while messing about with his owner's keyboard. That's what he told us anyway.

Dogs are only allowed to play football once a year
It's a cruel law for soccer-mad labradors, who are considered to be the greatest players in the world.

Tiny, tiny dogs can't hear loud music
We played this pooch some sweet heavy metal anthems and it didn't even notice. What a waste of time.