Cats With Moustaches
Thought your cat was hairy? Wait until you see these kittens' whiskers!
Cats With Moustaches
Thought your cat was hairy? Wait until you see these kittens' whiskers!
Has your dad ever grown a moustache? Or is there a teacher at school who thinks it's cool to rock a bristly-lip? Well, if you think that looks bad, imagine having a moggy with a moustache! Yep, while all cats are hairy, some are much hairier than others - and we're not just talking whiskers!
There's a hip and cool cat in America called Hamilton who's so popular he has his very own Snapchat account.
Then there's a friendly-looking feline called Miss Tash (get it?) from the UK who looks like she could do with a trim.
And as for Stash, the cat who likes to hide in boxes? Well, you'll have to see him to believe him, but that's one cool cat who knows how to wear a moustache well!
So if you want to see which cat's moustache looks coolest, what are you waiting for?! Just watch the video! But before you do, what do you think cats have moustaches for? Let's look at the possibilities...
Making themselves look older
If you're a young cat and you want to look like an older cat, then you need a cat moustache! Then you'll be able to do all the cool things grown-up cats do, like stay up late, watch scary movies and er, buy your very own cat food without having to ask your cat-parents' permission.

Looking good
All cats look cool, but if they really want to look the cat's pyjamas, then it's all about maintaining a magnificent moggy moustache. Wonderful whiskers are one thing, but when to comes to the crunch, a 'tache cat is where it's at.