Harry Potter - Would You Rather?
Would you prefer a Dementor as a pal or Voldemort as a teacher? There's only one way to find out!
1/10 Would you rather... eat one vomit flavoured Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Bean every day for a year or eat a big plate of Maggoty haggis every day for a month?

- Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean 0.9 %
- Maggoty haggis 0.1 %
2/10 Would you rather... own an amazing wand but be unable to use it or own Ron’s broken wand but only be able to conjure up cheese and pickle sandwiches whenever you needed?

- Amazing wand 0.6 %
- Ron's broken wand 0.4 %
3/10 Would you rather... Moaning Myrtle moaned every time you took a shower or that Peeves put fish heads in your breakfast cereal every morning?

- Moaning Myrtle 0.9 %
- Peeves 0.1 %
4/10 Would you rather... have to cut Hagrid’s massive toenails with a tiny pair of scissors or wash Snape’s hair with Sleekeazy's Hair Potion?

- Hagrid's toenails 0.2 %
- Snape's hair 0.8 %
5/10 Would you rather... all your friends thought you smelled like a house elf’s sweaty socks or that every meal you eat tastes like troll bogies?

- House elf's sweaty socks 0.9 %
- Troll bogies 0.1 %
6/10 Would you rather... spend every weekend hanging with the Malfoys or have Christmas with Argus Filch for the next 10 years?

- Hanging with the Malfoys 0.6 %
- Christmas with Argus Filch and Mrs Norris 0.4 %
7/10 Would you rather... wear Uncle Vernon’s pants for P.E for the entire term or have to wear Dolores Umbridge’s fluffy pink cardigan every time you went out with friends?

- Uncle Vernon's pants 0.3 %
- Dolores Umbridge’s fluffy pink cardigan 0.7 %
8/10 Would you rather... go camping on your own in the Forbidden Forest or sleep near a windy Hippogriff?

- Forbidden Forest 0.3 %
- Windy Hippogriff 0.7 %
9/10 Would you rather... vomit slugs every time you ate cake or that your farts sounded like a Mandrake root?

- Slugs! 0.3 %
- Mandrake farts! 0.7 %
10/10 Would you rather... have a Dementor for a best friend or have Voldemort as your head teacher?

- Dementor BFF 0.7 %
- Voldemort 0.3 %