How to Make a Frozen Dinosaur Egg
We dare you to play this prehistoric prank!
It's EGGS-cellent!
To make this cool prank, you'll need: a balloon, a small toy dinosaur and some food colouring

Step 1
Put the dinosaur into a balloon. You might need to stretch the balloon over it, but take your time. Make sure you don't put a hole in the balloon because that is going to make a mess!

Step 2
Pour a few drops of food colouring into the balloon. then fill it with enough water to surround the dinosaur. Tie the balloon shut and stick it in the freezer overnight.

Step 3
In the morning, peel the balloon away from the frozen liquid - this is your frozen dinosaur egg. Epic, isn't it? YOu can keep it in the freezer until you're ready to play your prank.

Step 4
Now all you have to do is pretend you found the frozen dinosaur egg. When you tell people you think it's a dinosaur egg, they won't believe you - but when it thaws out to reveal a baby dinosaur, they'll be totally freaked out!

Step 5
And here he comes - forget palaeontolgy - this is LOL-aeontology!