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How to Make a T-Shirt Christmassy!

Are you missing a Christmas jumper? Here's how you can turn any old boring t-shirt into a MEGA CHRISTMAS T-SHIRT!

How to Make a T-Shirt Christmassy!

Are you missing a Christmas jumper? Here's how you can turn any old boring t-shirt into a MEGA CHRISTMAS T-SHIRT!

Beano Video Team
Last Updated:  July 1st 2021

Christmas jumpers are great and everything but can also be REALLY HOT! So why not make a Christmas t-shirt instead!

Ed and Cassie show you how you can make any old boring t-shirt SUPER CHRISTMASSY! Watch them magically transform a red t-shirt into a mega reindeer t-shirt!

1. Draw on it!

Get a marker pen and draw a Christmassy design on it, just like Ed's reindeer! HO HO HO!

2. Add some antlers!

Use pipe cleaners like Cassie

3. Make a nose

Use ribbon to make a lovely red nose for your reindeer and then stitch it on!

4. Decorate it!

Add some glue, add some glitter and MAKE A MESS! Then reveal you're lovely Christmas magic.