Is This the World’s Most Awesome Slime?
Check out these super squishy sculptures!
There's not a day goes by when we're not thinking about slime – making it, playing with it or just watching amazing slime videos on the internet.
Have you seen these slime sculptures? They're awesome!
Here’s some slime with a difference!
It looks like a big pudding – but who is responsible for such a thing of slimy wonder?

So makes this awesome slime?
Artist Dan Lam has taken the world of slime to the next level!She works in her studio in Dallas, Texas and creates amazing varieties of slime!

Some slime is sparkly
Dan uses her skills and steady hand to create glittery slime by attaching sparkly jewels – it must take her forever!

Some change colour in the heat
Not all of Dan's slime sculptures are sparkly – check this one out!By using heat sensitive slime, this sculpture changes colour depending on the temperature

You can smoosh it
Some of her slime sculptures look like solid blobs of cream covered in sprinkles, You can smoosh it with your hands and it'll pop right back up – it's amazing!

Pinch it
You don't have to smoosh it – you can pinch the slime and create a bobbly sculpture of your very own!

Pull it
It doesn't stop there – some of Dan Lam's sculptures can be pinched into various shapes This one looks like an octopus with a cool hairstyle – well, sort of

Or pretend it’s a big ice cream
...and squish it with your toesAnd the best thing about this is that your feet won't get cold or covered in delicious ice cream!