Top 15 Mackenzie Ziegler Facts You Never Knew
She can dance, act, lip sync - and SIIING! But do you know all 15 of these Kenzie Ziegler facts?
You've probably heard of her older sister Maddie Ziegler, but the 17-year old Mackenzie Ziegler is an all-round superstar in her own right! She's a singer, actress, dancer, vlogger and Tiktoker - and there are loads of things you might not know about her! Let's have a look!
1. She has over 20 million Tik Tok followers!
That's a lot of people! It's over twice the population of London - or around the entire population of Burkina Faso in West Africa!

2. She's in a TV show with a load of her pals
The TV show is called Total Eclipse and it's on Brat TV. Fun fact - Total Eclipse was almost called Moon School!

3. She used to fancy Justin Bieber!
He was her first crush, and she even got to meet him once. He's not her crush any more though - we wonder if it was his new hair cut that put her off?

4. She's worked with Sia too!
Everyone knows Sia has worked with Maddie Ziegler, especially in Sia's big hitter Chandelier. But Sia has worked wirh Kenzie too - she's written songs for her, and even did a verse on Kenzie's track Exhale.

5. Mackenzie Ziegler and Sia are family now
Maddie and Sia are such a big part of each other's lives that Sia has now become Maddie's godmother! So that makes her Mackenzie's step-Godmother? Right? Imagine Christmas round their house!

6. They get up to all sorts of weird stuff together
Whenever Maddie and Kenzie comes to visit Sia they'll often bounce around on a trampoline together. Nothing weird about that, but wait... they also watch pimple-popping videos together! For hours!

7. Her favourite place is Australia
Kenzie has travelled all over the world, but her favourite place ever is Down Under. Well who can blame her - it has koalas and BBQs!
Most places just have BBQs!

8. She prefers baggy clothes
Yep, Kenzie isn't into the whole skinny jeans thing. Which is very sensible - because they're actually not very comfy. They're not really meant to be - but great call anyway, Kenzie!

9. Don't call her Mack Z!
When Kenzie first started out in showbiz, she was given the stage name Mack Z. She now just goes by "Kenzie" and really doesn't like people bringing up her old stage name. Sorry Kenzie!

10. Kenzie has a big family
Everyone knows her sister Maddie - but did you know Kenzie also has two half-brothers, 1 step-brother and 1 step-sister? They're not famous and don't live with Maddie and Kenzie, which is why we don't see them much.

11. She looked like a tomato when she was born
OK... this isn't a fact like an scientific fact - but it is what her older sister Maddie said about her. Maddie's earliest memory is of holding her younger sister when she'd just be born. And apparently Kenzie looked just like a tomato! We obviously weren't there, so unfortunately we can't confirm or deny this rumour.

12. She has an extra bone in her foot
It's quite common and actually lots of people have it - it's called accessory navicular syndrome and it just means she has a little extra bit of bony cartilige in her foot. It's certainly not stopped her being a successful dancer!

13. She's really close to her sister
Awww! They're so cute! In fact, Kenzie says her big sis Maddie is her biggest inspiration and the best dancer she knows. And they know some good dancers!

14. She does lots of charity work
Alongside her sister and mum, Kenzie donates a lot of money and has worked with a whole load of charities. Most of them are to do with fighting cancer in children, so a very good cause.

15. She's been in panto!
Kenzie starred in a pantomime version of the Wizard of Oz in California. She worked with loads of great actors in it - including the legendary Kermit the Frog! Because it was an American panto we guess it's pretty different to a British one - but we like to think it still had plenty of fart jokes and shouting at the audience.