10 Reasons Why Marcus Rashford is Awesome!
Here's a handful of facts about the Manchester United and England legend, Marcus Rashford!
Manchester United and England star Marcus Rashford has hit the news headlines for his part in raising millions of pounds for the food waste charity Fare Share. Here's some amazing trivia about the football legend!
1. He was born on Halloween!
If there's a better day to celebrate your birthday, we'd like to know!

2. He signed to Manchester United when he was still at primary school!
Marcus, who played for Fletcher Moss Rangers, joined Manchester United's youth academy when he was just 7 years old. He was playing for England 11 years later!

3. He made footballing history when he was 18 years old!
On February 25, 2016, Marcus scored two goals in a 5-1 victory over the Danish club Midtjylland in the UEFA Europa League. It was his first game for the senior team and became the youngest player to score in a European competition. A nice way to kick off his career, you might say.

4. Marcus employs his brothers!
And while some football players have ruthless agents plotting their career, Marcus is represented by his brothers Dane Rashford and Dwaine Maynard, who advise him on what different business decisions to make off the field.

5. So how did Marcus get so good at footie, then?
His brother Dwaine reveals that he learned his tricks at young age just from playing early versions of FIFA! And now, of course, he can play as himself on FIFA.

6. He became a lockdown hero!
During the coronavirus pandemic, he put his free time to great use by teaming up with the food waste charity FareShare and helped raise over £20 million. This means that 3 million children in need will not go hungry even though they're missing out on school meals during this difficult time. In June, Marcus – who grew up on free school meals – wrote to the government asking them to end child poverty. A day later, the government announced they were to provide free school meals for children over the summer holiday. Hero!

7. It's not the first time he's taken the time to help those in need...
Last Christmas, Marcus teamed up with the big department store Selfridges to start the 'In The Box' campaign, which encouraged shoppers to fill a shoebox with items which would be useful to the homeless in the Manchester area. Over 1,200 boxes were filled and Marcus delivered hundreds to homeless shelters. “I love this city and appreciate all of the support the city has given me over the years," he said, "so this is my opportunity to help out those that might not otherwise have the best Christmas."

8. He went the extra mile when he was asked to judge a school competition
As part of a World Book Day poetry competition, Marcus was asked to be a judge at school for children with hearing loss. Ahead of the big day, he learned some sign language so he could introduce himself to the entrants. Legend!

9. He loves his mum!
His mum Melanie has been supportive of her son's decision to play professional football, ever since he was a young child. On Mother's Day this year, he wrote a lovely message to her on his Instagram post, which got over half a million likes!

10. He wears an iconic number on his Manchester United shirt!
Marcus has worn the number 10 jersey since the 2018-19 season. Previous players include David Beckham, Wayne Rooney and Zlatan Ibrahimovic! It's also the 10th and final Marcus Rashford fact!