Puppy Quiz: What Puppy Are You?
Hey don’t pull those puppy dog eyes at us! It’s not our fault if you get the wrong dog on our Puppy Quiz: What Puppy Are You? page. If you think the results are barking up the wrong tree, try again and answer differently. See if new answers lead you to a different puppy! Maybe it will be ruffly accurate this time!
If you thought this quiz was not even ruffly correct or maybe even barking up the wrong tree, try perusing our amiaowsing What Cat Breed Should I Get Quiz? or are pawfectly produced Can You Identify the Dog Breed from the Picture? quiz. You can pet your life on them being pawsome!

What’s your favourite sport?

What’s your favourite after-school club?

What’s your favourite thing on Christmas Day?

What’s your favourite Movie?

What’s your grooming style?

Which one of these things do you prefer?

Where would you most like to go on holiday?

Pick a dogs name…

Pick your collar colour?

What’s your favourite toy?

Border Collie Puppy
You’re smart and full of energy so just like a Border Collie you are constantly on the go. Long walk? Playing ball? You just won’t stop!

Whippet Puppy
You’re fun, gentle and kind. You’ll love a run around with your friends in the park but secretly what you prefer is to curl up on the sofa and watch TV or sleep - just like a whippet puppy!

French Bulldog Puppy
What a star! Just like a French Bulldog Puppy, you might not be into exercise but you certainly love being the centre of attention!

Cockapoo Puppy
There’s no stopping you! Always jumping from activity to activity you have boundless energy, you’re a bit naughty sometimes, but only in REALLY CUTE way!