SO Beano! – Meet the Presenters
Want to know more about Joe, Emma, Joseph and Nim? You've come to the right place!

If you’re looking for loads of laughs, then Joe’s your guy!He’s wisecracking and witty with a motor-mouth to match which can lead him into trouble - because Joe often speaks before he thinks and leaps before he looks!But he’s never in trouble for long because Joe’s the one to charm all the guests and audience with quips, wit and perfectly timed puns.Life is a non-stop Joe party and everyone is invited, especially you.

If you love, then you’ll love Emma.She’s the one with the biggest laugh of the bunch and has all the most brilliantly bonkers ideas.Want to know how to build a world record breaking marshmallow tower? Or how about creating a café staffed entirely by dinosaurs? If so, then you’re in luck, because Emma can help with all that and much, much more!And when she’s not coming up with awesome ideas to do with dino diners? Emma’s brain is just bursting with all sorts of useful facts so you can sure there’ll never be a dull moment when she’s around.

When it comes to cool, they don’t come much cooler than Joseph.He’s the musical one (you should see him play his saxophone!) who knows all about the hottest trends.And while the rest of the presenters are joking around, Joseph’s usually the one to double take at the outrageous antics of his fellow presenters and say “You lot are weird.”And to be honest, he’s right. They are weird – but in a totally wonderful way.

Nim’s an all-rounder, a triple threat - actor, comedian and (sort of) dancer!And while her moves on the dancefloor might not make it onto Strictly, she more than makes up for it by bringing heart and soul to the group, not to mention a dizzying array of daft costumes.In fact, Nim thinks she is brilliant at everything, which often leads to hilarious mishaps. But even when things go wrong, Nim is rarely able to keep a straight face - watch closely and you’ll often spot her suppressing a giggle.

Wild, hairy, smelly, funny looking. No, we’re not talking about Joe (although he could probably do with a bath after getting covered in custard).The funny looking fellow we’re talking about is Barry, a fluffy sock-puppet creature of unknown origin – though he could have been found in the SO Beano! laundry room?And the most important thing to know about Barry is that he loves the sounds of his own voice - even if he does speak in his own bizarre language that only our presenters seem to be able to understand!He also likes laughing maniacally, biting people’s fingers and seeing humans getting dunked in custard, but don’t let that put you off meeting him.