Check Out the Ugly Christmas Jumpers Championship!
Which of these designs hurt your eyes the most?
Twinkling Lights!
With its flashing Christmas lights and bold design, you'd have to be really confident to wear this jumper. Or have lost a bet. If you like this article, check out our Cryptic Christmas Movie Emoji Quiz.

There's absolutely no mention of dinosaurs in the nativity, so why this Tyrannosaurus Rex thinks they can just can turn up to our home and stomp around our living room is just not acceptable, really.

We all love the fact that Santa has a team of elves to help him with his deliveries, but do you want to look like one? No.

There's so much going on here, we don't know where to look first. Somewhere else would be a good start, wouldn't it?

It's nice to relax over the Christmas holidays, but we're not sure where this sloth fits in. If you wore this at the dinner table, it would be too distracting for your family.

Gingerbread Men!
Biscuits? Yes. Santa? Yes. Robins? Sure. But all together on one really bright jumper? Nah.

We've already got a Christmas tree, thanks mate.

This is too upsetting to look at. Next!

This looks like someone's aunt knitted it.

We all know that this red-nosed reindeer is one of the heroes of Christmas, but this design is too much for our eyes to take. We'd happily give this jumper a carrot and leave it on the roof.