Watch Danny Wallace Take The Average Quiz!
The Luckiest Kid in the World author Danny Wallace takes the How Average are You? quiz!
Watch Danny Wallace Take The Average Quiz!
The Luckiest Kid in the World author Danny Wallace takes the How Average are You? quiz!
Danny Wallace has written an awesome new book called The Luckiest Kid in the World. It’s all about a boy called Joe Smith, who is average in every way. When a survey identifies him as the most average kid in the country – well that makes him very special indeed. Suddenly, everyone wants Joe to test out their latest products. Overnight he is sent mountains of gifts – the best trainers, the coolest bike, the most exciting new tech, the latest flavours of ice cream – and so much more. He gets special cinema screenings and the entire water park all to himself. Joe now has everything he could possibly want in the world – and that’s far from average.

To mark this momentously blam occasion, we created a very special, 13-question quiz to find out how average you really are. We even gave it an extremely average title: How Average Are You Quiz?. Pretty average, right?
In his ongoing quest to find out the answers to life’s biggest questions, Danny wanted to find out how average he was and filmed himself taking this very quiz, which you can watch above. Do his his results match yours?
The Luckiest Kid in the World is out on February 17 2022 through Simon & Schuster.