Hardest Ever Would You Rather? Quiz!
This surely has to be the hardest quiz in the history of... well, everything!
1/7 Would you rather be a chimp who can sing in French or a hippo who raps in Spanish?

- A chimp who can sing 0.6 %
- A hippo who raps in Spanish 0.4 %
2/7 Would you rather shower in gravy or bathe in tomato ketchup?

- Shower in gravy 0.6 %
- Bathe in tomato ketchup 0.4 %
3/7 Would you rather your burps smell of farts or your farts smell of burps?

- Burps that smell of farts 0.1 %
- Farts that smell of burps 0.9 %
4/7 Would you rather go forward in time when you sneeze or travel back in time when you yawn?

- Forward in time when I sneeze 0.5 %
- Travel back in time when I yawn 0.5 %
5/7 Would you rather watch your favourite cartoon in black and white or in colour, but in a language you don't understand?

- Black and white 0.7 %
- Colour, but in a language I don't understand 0.3 %
6/7 Would you rather have smelly feet and have unlimited snacks or fresh feet but no snacks?

- Smelly feet and unlimited snacks 0.6 %
- Fresh feet but no snacks 0.4 %
7/7 Would you rather live in a damp cave with lots of gadgets or a warm house with no wifi?

- A damp cave with lots of gadgets 0.5 %
- A warm house with no wifi 0.5 %