Your Drawings This Week – Thieves, Polar bears and an Angry GorillaThis week you drew catapults, kites, clothes for a polar bear, things up noses, stolen goods and gave a gorilla a face! Here are a few highlights. The Tomato Flinger 2000Sick colours!How swanky!A dress made of jelly! Perfect for eating ice-cream in the sunAn awesome look! Might be a little warm though :SThat is one cool hat!Oh no! A whale has got caught in the kite strings!!This guy looks familiarSnot-asaurus!pik-AAAA-CHOOOOOO!Looks very excited about this fruitThis guy doesn't look so impressed though!Giant doughnuts are the only thing worth a life of crimeA Dennis-knapper!What would you even do with a diamond that big?That's 24 CARROT gold alright!