Join Dennis, Gnasher, Minnie, Roger and the whole Beano gang with weekly laughs from the world’s longest running comic, packed full of blamtastic stories, characters, pranks, jokes!

Think You Know Your European Geography?

Ultimate Avatar: The Last Airbender Quiz!

Think You Know your Flags?

Emma and Ed’s Drawing Challenge!

Ultimate Cartoon Quiz

The Bash Street Sketchbook Puzzle

What Llama Do I Look Like?

Egg-ceptional Adventures with Big Eggo

Can You Save The Planet Quiz

Play Blockheadz


Electric Puzzle Game

Play Flick Football!

Puppy Pile-Up Puzzle

Virus Attack Game

Gross Jokes

JJ's Wheelie Big Challenge

The Gnasher Evolution Puzzle

Gnasher's Race 'n' Chase

Play Splat the Sats!!

So Beano Quiz

Play Squelchies: Endgame now