Dennis And Gnasher
Get to know Beano’s most blamtastic 10-year-old, Dennis Menace, and his four-legged friend, Gnasher the dog, a black-haired Abyssinian Wire-Haired Tripe Hound!

That's How Dennis Rolls

Dennis and the Jurassic Lark

Dennis's Best Week Ever!

All about Walter

Walter's Evil Plan

Attack of the 50 Foot Menace!

The Day Dad Found Out He Was a Menace

Play Xtreme Dennis!

Dennis And Gnasher’s Splat Attack Puzzle

Play Defend the Den!

What a Cute New Toy!

Meet Rasher!

Dennis and Gnasher - Gnome and Away!

Meet Bea!

Beano Summer To Do List

The Ultimate Beano Quiz

Guess the Dennis and Gnasher TV Quiz

Meet the D&GU Characters

Dennis Meets Andy Murray

Take Our Gnarly Gnasher Quiz!

How's Roger Going to Get Out of This?

10 Reasons Dennis's Dad is Epic!