Harry Potter
Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin – have you ever wanted to know which one you’re in? We’ve got a cauldron full of Harry Potter quizzes, jokes, facts and games for you!

Which Wizarding Spell Would You Botch?

Which Pensive Memory Would You Show Someone?

Which Wizarding Beverage Matches Your Personality?

What Hogwarts Room Would Become Your Secret Hideaway?

What Mischief Would the Marauder’s Map Catch You Doing?

Which Magical Plant Would You Have in Your Garden?

What Rare Potion Ingredient Best Represents Your Soul?

What Type of Quill Would You Use in the Classroom?

What’s Your Quidditch Superstition?

Which Mundane Plant Would You Have and Why?

What’s Your Wand Core and Why?

Which Portrait Would Hang in Your House Common Room?

Which Unbreakable Wizarding Vow Would You Make?

What Would You Hoard If You Were a Dragon in Gringotts?

What 'Almost-Forbidden' Spell Would Be Your Signature?

Which Hogwarts Hidden Passage Would You Discover?

Harry Potter Magical History & Ancient Magic Quiz!

Which Uncommon Potion Are You Most Likely to Brew?

What Ministry of Magic Department Would You Clash With?

Which Unconventional Spell Matches Your Aura?

Harry Potter Prophecies, Predictions, and Fates Quiz!

What’s Your Patronus Core?